KoKFisK does not provide direct assistance to the services offered by its investee companies. If you want to receive support on a service offered by the companies owned by KoKFisK, please visit the dedicated pages on the websites of the respective services.
KoKFisK can be contacted during office hours at the following address and contact details.
Dr. Alberto Lenza
Via Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, 86
00193 Rome, Italy
(+39) 06-45777227
Company information
Via Giuseppe Gioachino Belli, 86, 00193 Rome, IT
Phone: (+39) 06-45777227
VAT: IT-15759581000
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KoKFisK SGP s.r.l. assumes no responsibility or guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the information on this website, on external links and on the websites of inPoste.it S.p.A. and tNotice.com